For my CAP projects I decided to look at androgyny, basing it on 50s rock 'n' roll icons. Alot of my inspiration came from Sebastian Faena. I wanted to base my images on photos of icons like Buddy Holly and Elvis and really wanted to stick with that idea, however as the shoot progressed I found that the model I had found was very serious and the concept didn't really suit her. From doing this shoot I found that the origional ideas I first had needed to work with the whole theme of 'classic'. I could either go down two very opposite routes, a very serious route or a light hearted one. I decided the more serious one would probably suit me more. I also wanted to shoot in medium format, so below is an image on 6x6, the light is slightly off and there are still dusk marks, but I do love the feel of it. I chose to make it into quite a golden tone as I felt it did suit it. I think I have made some strong foundations for this project.

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