Steven Meisel: Vogue Patterns

Sebastian Faena: Pop True Faith
At the moment I am quite interested in photographs which blend into the background, looking through Art and Commerce I found a variety of photos that really inspired me. The first is Steven Meisel, his Vogue Pattern editorial is really interesting and feminine. I like the way it takes you through these different colours and well thought out materials, especially here as her dress flows out onto the floor. The women are transformed into the material, their skin is drawn on to with stars and pin-up girl like tattoos which really interests me. I find these photos indulgent, elegant and stunning to look at as they do something that traditionally shouldn't work.
The second image is by Sebastian Faena for Pop Truth Faith, I love how it is the complete opposite to Meisel. I find the image nude, the colours are all very similar skin tones and the model blends into the attire she is wearing. The idea is the model is dressed up like a nun, then conflicting that idea by the implement of nudity. I believe it has some relation to the concepts of rock 'n' roll as she model has a quiff, I find this interesting as the 'bad boys' of rock 'n' roll who celebrated sexuality and ended the age of innocence. Perhaps it is saying true faith is that rock 'n' roll life style. The nude colours could connote sex, the cigarette being drugs and the hair style rock 'n' roll?
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